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Estudos de caso de país da OneImpact

Estudo de Caso de TB Infantil – Moçambique

Utilizando o OneImpact, a ADPP desenvolveu um inquérito direcionado para identificar potenciais lacunas nos serviços de TB infantil...

OneImpact Mozambique

OneImpact Mozambique, led by ADPP, successfully used community-led monitoring (CLM) to address gaps in childhood TB services, stigma, and drug stockouts, engaging nearly 10,000 people and resolving 97% of reported challenges. The platform has become a flagship model for CLM in Mozambique, driving evidence-based interventions and advocacy.

Estudo de caso OneImpact TB Tolongi - RD Congo A OneImpact

A OneImpact Monitoria Liderada pela Comunidade (MLC) capacita as pessoas afectadas pela TB para terem acesso aos serviços de saúde e de apoio, reivindicar os seus Direitos Humanos e identificar e reduzir o estigma

Estudos de caso do ITPC RCTO

Um grande número de locais na amostra permitiu ao observatório fazer inferências significativas sobre as tendências nacionais. Houve

OneImpact Cameroon

The OneImpact TB survey in Yaoundé identified 77 unscreened children among 526 household contacts. These children were promptly screened and referred for treatment...

LaporTBC powered by OneImpact

LaporTBC, powered by OneImpact, is a digital platform that addresses TB stigma and improves care in six Indonesian provinces. Engaging over 3,000 users, it collects data to guide legal aid, advocacy, and treatment access, with plans for further expansion.

OneImpact Kyrgyzstan

OneImpact Kyrgyzstan, led by AFEW, used community-led monitoring (CLM) to address TB care challenges, notably providing nutritional support to over 1,700 people in underserved regions. The CLM data informed evidence-based interventions and advocacy efforts, significantly improving TB care and support in Kyrgyzstan.

OneImpact Nigeria

OneImpact Nigeria, led by DHDC, successfully implemented community-led monitoring (CLM) to enhance TB control, identifying gaps in childhood TB services and engaging over 24,000 people. The program is now being scaled up and institutionalized at the national level to further support TB response efforts across Nigeria

Oneimpact Pakistan

Oneimpact Pakistan, led by Dopasi, proved to be an effective tool to maximize community engagement in program activities and strategic decision making, thus making Dopasi foundation an equal partners in the TB response in Pakistan

Oneimpact Tanzania

OneImpact Kiganjani, led by Mkutu, has successfully has successfully engaged nearly 30,000 people affected by TB, providing crucial data for evidence-based policy making. The program has influenced national policies on treatment counseling, social protection, and stigma reduction, and is being scaled up with support from various partners

Estudo de caso OneImpact - Ucrânia

O OneImpact MLC incentiva e facilita a participação de pessoas afectadas pela TB em todos os aspectos de programação da TB na Ucrânia...